These backgrounds are (modified) from Hi-Rez BG's
The function(s):
<script language="javascript"> <!--- RandomBackground("bg1.gif bg2.gif bg3.gif ","bgcolor=#000000 text=#38CC70 link=#F3C961 vlink=#F3C961 alink=#F3C961"); // ---> </script> <br>
an example from the top of your doc would be:
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>G'Day, this is the title</TITLE> </HEAD> <script language="javascript"> <!--- RandomBackground("bg1.gif bg2.gif bg3.gif ","bgcolor=#000000 text=#38CC70 link=#F3C961 vlink=#F3C961 alink=#F3C961"); // ---> </script> <h1>This is the start of the page!</h1>
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